
帆布 is an online graphic design platform that is used to create professional-looking infographics, 演讲, 宣传册, 社交媒体图表, 简历, 视频, 和更多的. 帆布 allows students to create unique visual re演讲 to demonstrate their understanding. This collaborative tool enables students to share their work, 从同事那里寻求反馈, and construct and present their knowledge using 帆布. Instructors can also leverage 帆布 to create visually engaging infographics, 海报, and 图片 to enhance text-based learning materials.

Learn more about about our invited expert, 蒂芙尼Stoiber



蒂芙尼Stoiber has more than 10 years of experience using graphic design tools, 例如Adobe Creative Suite和帆布, to create products in both print and digital formats. Her education includes a Bachelor of 艺术 in Communication from Trinity International University, which included coursework in both written and visual communication. 今天, she works for the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney as an Academic Outreach and Marketing Specialist.