Amanda Sladek

Associate Professor, Comp Coordinator

办公室: THMH TH202F |    电话: (308) 865-8116   |    电子邮件:

Amanda Sladek


  • Ph.D.,英语. University of Kansas. 2016.
  • B.A.,英语 and Psychology. Midland University. 2011. 

Areas of Specialization

  • Composition and Basic Writing pedagogies
  • Literacy studies
  • World 英语es
  • Antiracism and linguistic justice
  • Writing Program Administration


  • “Revision Rainbow: Editing for Sentence Variety.” Dynamic Activities for First-Year Composition: 96 Ways to Immerse, Inspire, and Captivate 学生, Eds. Michal Reznizki and David T. Coad, NCTE, forthcoming.
  • “Student-Centered Grammar Feedback in the Basic Writing Classroom: Toward a Translingual Grammar Pedagogy.” Journal of Basic Writing 40.2 (2022): 68-95.
  • “‘Say What You Want to Say!’: Teaching Literacy Autoethnography to Resist Linguistic Prejudice.” Self+Culture+Writing: Autoethnography for/as Writing Studies. Eds. Rebecca Jackson and Jackie Grutsch McKinney, Utah State UP, 2021: 126-135.
  • “Literacy as Threshold Concept: Building Multiliterate Awareness in First-Year Writing.” Composition Studies 47.2 (2019): 108-126.
  • “Using Digital 资源 to Teach Language Variation in the Midwest” (with Mattie Lane). Teaching Language Variation in the Classroom: Strategies and Models from Teachers and Linguists. Eds. 克里斯·C. Palmer and Michelle Devereaux, Routledge, 2019: 129-137.
  • "The New Literacies Narrative." Writing on the Edge 26.1 (2015): 63-72.
  • "Constructing the Crisis: Audience Perceptions of For-Profit 教育 and Institutional Integrity in the Closure of Dana College." International Journal for 教育al Integrity 10.2 (2014): 60-70.

Courses Taught

  • ENG100A: 英语 for Academic Purposes

  • ENG101: Introduction of Academic Writing

  • ENG102: Academic Writing and Research

  • ENG303: Introduction to Linguistics

  • ENG311: Advanced Writing

  • ENG805: Teaching of Composition

  • ENG808: 英语 Around the Globe

  • ENG809: Theory of Rhetoric and Composition

  • ENG899: Special Topics: Rural Literacies

  • ENG 899: Special Topics: Writing Instruction and Multiple Literacies

  • LOPR126: First Year Seminar (You at bet36365体育: Developing Individual, Intellectual, and Interpersonal Identity)