

办公室: THMH 203B   |    电话: (308) 865-8697   |    电子邮件: umlandr@hebhgkq.com



  • Ph.D. 爱荷华大学英语专业


  • 神话时代的社会
  • 大众文化协会
  • 国际亚瑟王协会
  • 特里斯坦协会


  • 浪漫主义文学
  • 维多利亚时代文学 
  • 英语文学至1500年 
  • ENG 330 European Literature In Translation: Saints and Sinners 
  • ENG 337 Popular Literature: Arthurian Legends, Then and Now
  • ENG 252 Western Civilization: Love in the Western World


  • 19th——世纪英国文学
  • 世界文学(欧洲研究)
  • 亚瑟王传奇/任务英雄
  • 电影研究

  • Martin Distinguished 教授 of 英语
  • 学院研究导师奖
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Mortar Board Society
  • Pratt-Heins Distinguished Research Award
  • Honorary Member for Teaching Excellence, Phi Eta Sigma



  • Outlaw Heroes as Liminal Figures of Film and Television,麦克法兰 & 公司出版商公司., 2016年春季,285页.
  • Donald Cammell: A Life on the Wild Side,戈达明,萨里:FAB出版社,2006. 304 pp. 与Samuel J. Umland.
  • The Use of Arthurian Legend in Hollywood Film: From Connecticut Yankees to Fisher Kings格林伍德出版社,1996年,218页. 与Samuel J. Umland.
  • 关于中世纪的论文选集, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988, 183 pp. Edited, with Introduction and contributing essay. 与珍妮特·格贝尔共同编辑.


  • Presumed Dead: The Impact of Tennyson’s 伊诺克·雅顿 关于电影院.” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery: Proceedings—2018 Conference, Ed. Thomas Endres北科罗拉多大学,  http://digscholarship.unco.edu/  2020年8月.
  • “Dante and His Epigones: Breaking the Barrier of Death,” European Studies2019 Conference Proceedings内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校,Ed. 朱丽叶·帕内尔.http://www.unomaha.edu/college-of-arts-and-sciences/european-studies-conference/esc-proceedings/index.php2020年夏季.
  • 冲走了 . . . By an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August:恋爱中的漂流者.” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery: Proceedings—2018 Conference北科罗拉多大学, http://digscholarship.unco.edu/sassi/3/ 2019.
  • “The Face of Robin Williams and the Enigma of Stardom,” in 罗宾·威廉姆斯:电影随笔, Ed. Johnson Cheu,麦克法兰出版社. 与Samuel J. Umland. 邀请贡献者. 2019.
  • "Lillie Langtry: From Professional Beauty to International Icon," in Essays on the Female Artist in the Early Twentieth Century, Ed. 保罗·弗莱尔,麦克法兰出版社,2012年.
  • “The Liminal Space of the Road and the Transformative Quest,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery: Proceedings—2012 Conference, Ed. 莱特和史蒂芬·卡普兰. 普韦布洛:  科罗拉多州立259-264. 2012.
  • "Burn, Witch, Burn: A First Look at the Scandinavian Horror Film," in 恐怖的国际. 韦恩州立大学. 与Samuel J. Umland 2005.
  • “Alvin Straight: Ordinary Hero (1921-1996),” 塑料包装 72(2004年12月)13-17. 与塞缪尔·J. Umland.
  • 《bet36365体育投注》继续 实话实说,” 塑料包装 62 (January 2003) 8-16.
  • “Child Victims and Excessive Signifiers: Lars von Trier’s Forbrydelsens Element, Kinoeve: A fortnightly journal of film in the new Europe 2:5(二二年三月四日). 在线. 与塞缪尔·J. Umland.        
  • “All For Love: The Myth of Romantic Passion in Japanese Cinema,” Mythlore 89 (23:3) Summer 2001: 43-55. 与塞缪尔·J. Umland.
  • Unrequited Love in We Can Build You," in Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations, Greenwood Press, 1995.
  • “The Snake in the Woodpile: Tennyson's Vivien as Victorian Prostitute,” in Culture and the King: The Social Implications of the Arthurian Legend, Eds. 马丁B. 希特曼和詹姆斯·P. 卡利,纽约州立大学出版社,1994:274-287.
  • “Tennyson's Hierarchy of Women in 《国王的田园诗,” in 历史 and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, Ed. 佛罗伦萨的年代. 加兰出版社,1992:81-107.
  • 《威廉·莫里斯:亚瑟王时代的创新者》 The Arthurian Revival: Essays on Form, Tradition, and Transformation, Ed. 黛布拉N. Mancoff, Garland Publishing, 1992: 75–96.
  • “An Assessment of Swinburne's Arthuriana,” in 亚瑟王历世历代, 2波动率., Eds. 瓦莱丽·米. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day, Garland Publishing, 1990, Vol. 2: 62–82.
  • “Character as Fate in Edwin Arlington Robinson's 崔斯特瑞姆,” in 关于中世纪的论文选集, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988: 58–68.


  • “’Strange Faces, Other Minds’: Tennyson’s 《国王的田园诗 and the Alien Other,” presented at the Mythcon 52 Conference (The 神话时代的社会) July 2022.
  • “老调子, so Full of Sadness’—Dante’s Deathless Song in Popular Music” presented in a session, “Across the Universe: Dante Alighieri in Contemporary Culture” at the October 2021 European Studies Conference, 内布拉斯加大学, 奥马哈, 为了纪念700年th 但丁的忌日.
  • Dante and His Epigones: Breaking the Barrier of Death.” European Studies Conference, 内布拉斯加大学, 奥马哈, October 2019.
  • 冲走了 . . . By an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August:恋爱中的漂流者.” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery: Proceedings—2018 Conference北科罗拉多大学, March 2019.
  • “‘Coming Full Circle’: Redemption for John Rambo?” presented at the Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery Conference (SASSI)北科罗拉多大学, 2018年3月.
  • “Re-envisioning Marriage in European Cinema after 1970.” presented at the European Studies Conference, 内布拉斯加大学 at 奥马哈, October 2017.
  • 《侯麦的爱神问题 下午的爱情 和卡瓦尼 夜班搬运工,” presented at the European Studies Conference, 内布拉斯加大学 at 奥马哈, October 2014.
  • "The Liminal Space of the Road and the Transformative Quest," Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery (SISSI) Conference, 科罗拉多斯普林斯, CO, 2012年3月.
  • “这还不是全部, Folks': The Reinvention of Arthurian Legend," Panel Presentation: Arthur's Afterlife and the Dialectics of Adaptation, PCA / ACA会议, St. 密苏里州路易斯,2010年4月.
  • “江湖, or Athena Meets the Lady of the Lake: Arthurian Legend in the Electronic Age,PCA/ACA会议, 新奥尔良, LA, 2009年4月.