商业及科技 Living Learning Community: Bridging the Gap for College Freshmen

发布:2023年2月14日上午12:00:00 CST

Feeling prepared is often the hardest part of adjusting to college life for incoming freshmen. In fact, one out of five freshmen don’t return to school for their sophomore year. 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校, students are given the opportunity to beat these odds by having the option of living in a creatively designed environment during their first year of college. 布伦达·乔姆负责制作 商业和技术学院的生活学习社区 (LLC) a unique experience for business and technology students, her job is a work of the heart. She wants “them to know that they’re important” and that bet36365体育 cares “that they’re here.“虽然商学院 & 科技有限责任公司已经存在好几年了, this past fall semester Jochum implemented a program to help students develop positive connections that she knows will help them transition from high school to college.院长Jares的LLC学生 

Jochum, 谁拥有青年发展硕士学位, started working with this year’s freshmen before they ever stepped foot on bet36365体育’s campus for the fall semester. A certified CliftonStrengths coach, she shared the assessment with her LLC students last summer. 当他们回到自己的房间时, 他们在门上发现了表明个人优势的标志. While it is advantageous for the students to have an awareness of their suitemate’s strengths, 另一个目的, 据约胡姆说, is for each student to “engage in their natural talents to gain confidence in who they are and the potential that they bring” to bet36365体育.

Jochum enjoys informal meetings with the students as it’s during these times that she helps them navigate their freshmen year. She has been able to help them with issues such as getting into the right classes, 弄清楚他们是否选错了, 并倡导他们在大学生涯的这个阶段所需要的东西. She states that “being able to really work with them more on a personal level has been really rewarding to me.”

卡斯滕·福克斯说, 谁是bet36365体育学生目前住在这个有限责任公司, the work Jochum is doing has made a difference in his life as a college student. 作为三十四名把这个有限责任公司称为家的学生之一, one of the best advantages he has experienced is that “everybody is connected. 每个人都认识彼此.” 狐狸 appreciates the fact that there is always a friend from class just down the hall if he needs someone to study with. 因为很多有限责任公司的学生都在上同样的课, group projects are a breeze because most members of the group live within a few feet of each other.节日聚会

Although 狐狸 admits it’s “so much easier to do homework” with his classmates living close by, 他说这是一个“巨大的优势”,他指出,宿舍之外还有其他有益的机会. 在一个甜甜圈和咖啡搅拌器上, students were able to interact with professors which allowed them to explore other academic possibilities. He shares that this can lead to students choosing a double major or a minor thanks to the opportunity to informally learn about the wide variety of programs available at bet36365体育.

不过,这并不全是学术问题. 当Jochum从学生那里得知他们想要更频繁地见面时, 她开始为他们计划更多的社交活动, 比如披萨和Wii运动之夜, 结束秋季学期. 这个战略设计, 是Jochum今年带来的成果吗, makes the high school-to-college transition a breeze for the students fortunate enough to live in this LLC.

Jochum and 狐狸 both acknowledge the role CliftonStrengths has played in the success of this LLC. 狐狸 explains that students need to know they’re only going to “get out what they put in” but, 如果他们了解了自己的优势, 他们将“遥遥领先”.” He suggests that learning about CliftonStrengths will help students with soft skills as well as the skills they will one day use in their higher-level classes. Jochum完全同意. 作为一名认证教练, she appreciates the chance to give the students who live in this LLC a “deep dive into CliftonStrengths.“这个资源开发工具, 它已经存在了半个世纪了, allows students a chance to form strong foundations which they will not only build upon throughout their school experience but take with them into the real world after graduation.布伦达和一个学生

今年LLC的学生, who represent a combined total of twelve different business and technology majors, 已经见过杰瑞斯院长了吗, 参加了一个时间管理的会议, 并致力于将他们的高中简历升级为大学简历. Jochum’s goal for this year’s group was to create an environment where they would “stand out and be the best prepared” for all bet36365体育 has to offer them. She made sure they entered this year knowing their strengths and is now teaching them how to best use that knowledge.

As good as the fall semester was, Jochum has big plans for the future of this LLC. She understands that emerging adults “want to have a voice” while engaging in activities that are purposeful as well as enjoyable. One of her goals for the future is to incorporate more student-to-student and career mentoring for her students. She is grateful that her students are now “more aware of resources” available to them and hopes they can “pay it forward” to the next cohort of incoming LLC students.

狐狸, 谁希望这个有限责任公司兴旺发达, has expressed an interest in becoming a mentor for next year’s incoming freshmen. He has seen how “having this LLC is kind of like one big family” where you’re given “everything you can ask for to thrive in college.“他想与他人分享他被赋予的天赋. 用他自己的话说,他“很高兴(他)为它填写了奖学金。.” He wants to help other students find their way to this incredible opportunity that Jochum has made possible at bet36365体育.

商学院 & 科技的生活学习社区, 位于西百年塔二楼, 是内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校众多隐藏的瑰宝之一. 的 chance to live in a community with people who have similar interests as you is simply not something a college freshman should pass up. 联系 布伦达Jochum 了解更多信息.

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