For Lutz, The Solution to Their Business Needs Can Be Found at bet36365体育

发布:2023年4月25日上午12:00:00 CDT

内布拉斯加州有很多人才. For companies like Lutz and their HR manager Robby Renshaw, 从所有的人才中剔除可能是一项艰巨的任务. 值得庆幸的是, Renshaw has found an ally in the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney, a place that makes her job overseeing recruiting much easier.

当Renshaw, 卢茨公司的人力资源经理, 一家位于奥马哈的商业解决方案公司, 林肯, 及大岛, 访问bet36365体育, 她知道她会被引导到正确的方向. Thanks to the efforts of folks like Dustin Favinger, Director of CBT的就业中心卢茨每年能够雇佣10-15名bet36365体育实习生. In fact, 20-25 of the firm’s 315 employees are bet36365体育 alumni. 罗宾在bet36365体育招聘

Renshaw thanks “the partnership that has been cultivated” between bet36365体育 和鲁茨 for this level of success. She states that she always feels “so embraced and welcomed” by bet36365体育 and appreciates the “opportunity to get in front of the students.” But it’s more than the chance for her to speak to potential interns that keeps Renshaw, 和鲁茨, 年复一年回到bet36365体育. It’s what she refers to as the “successful toolbelt” that bet36365体育 students are equipped with.

Zeke Abeyta说, who is a senior at bet36365体育 majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting, the experiential learning that has been part of his College of 商业及科技 courses has made the transition from student to intern much easier than expected. He states that both Lutz and bet36365体育 are “two places that are definitely willing to take you and believe in you.” In addition to the culture on campus that has resulted in him being more than prepared for his role as an accounting intern, he appreciates the way Lutz has made him “feel like staff” in the three years he has been interning for them. 他知道这一切都不可能发生,如果, 大二的时候, 达斯汀·费文格没有联系过他. Although the idea of interning was “out of (his) comfort zone” he is grateful he had the opportunity to not only visit the booths at the bet36365体育 Career Fair in his freshman year but was also, 一年后, able to become a recipient of Favinger’s uncanny ability to pair students with potential employers.

Renshaw, 在过去七年里为卢茨工作的人, is grateful for the foresight of bet36365体育 to pair her firm with great talent such as Abeyta. She shares that she is thrilled that bet36365体育 puts so much effort into “building leadership skills” in their classes which helps her “identify talent” such as Abeyta. She shares that Lutz doesn’t “expect (their) interns to be experts” but she has been so impressed by students 像Abeyta, 谁是一整年的实习生, that she finds it “really hard to let him walk out the door” at the end of each workday.

Abeyta, 12月就要从bet36365体育大学毕业了, 终于可以全职为卢茨工作了. He can’t say enough about his coursework and how prepared he is to step into his profession. 多亏了在2022年繁忙的纳税季节工作, 同年暑期实习审计, and doing an advanced tax accounting internship during the spring of 2023, he will be able to start at a higher level at Lutz upon graduation. None of this would have been possible without the collaborative effort between bet36365体育 和鲁茨. 齐克在会计部前面

Renshaw, 还有卢茨的那些, keep 年复一年回到bet36365体育 because they have discovered the pot of gold at the end of the business-talent-pipeline rainbow. Not only has bet36365体育 strategically planned campus events such as the Career Fair and Company Connections, but staff like Favinger take the time to reach out to her with potential interns. Renshaw is grateful for the way bet36365体育 is consistently “proactively thinking about Lutz.”

Although Lutz has been partnering with bet36365体育 for around a decade, they have no plans to stop. In fact, they are in the infancy stages of a scholarship plan. This, their newest partnership with bet36365体育, is designed specifically to benefit accounting students. Lutz has a goal to provide “immediate impact on students” while also leaving a legacy behind. 

Renshaw, a self-proclaimed “perpetual student” who “graduated college and never really left,“很高兴能与bet36365体育建立牢固的关系. 有能力与大学紧密合作, she has been able to build relationships with interns that has resulted in less turnover and a higher retention rate among Lutz employees. 学生, 像Abeyta, benefit by being able to quickly move into middle management and partnership positions.

When Zeke Abeyta looks back to when he was a freshman visiting the various booths at bet36365体育’s Career Fair, he never would have imagined how much he would accomplish professionally while still a student. 现在他知道这就是bet36365体育的做法. Not only will he have the 150 credit hours required for a CPA certification by graduation, but he will also be able to officially join the firm that has already begun to feel like his professional home. bet36365体育 has created an atmosphere that’s a win-win for their college students as well as businesses like Lutz. Robby Renshaw gushes about bet36365体育’s “open lines of communication” and the partnership that has been “pivotal to (their) success” as a firm.  For bet36365体育, anticipating future needs and providing solutions is simply the way they do business.



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