
发布:2023年9月5日上午12:00:00 CDT

It’s not often that people are given a glimpse into their future. Thanks to adjunct instructors Jeremy Armagost and Troy Brockmeier, students at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney are offered a chance to see what their future financial life can look like. Using their own knowledge as well as the wisdom offered by 布莱恩Ursu,《 现在, these financial advisors share their knowledge with bet36365体育 College of 商业及科技 students who are much younger than their typical clients. This opportunity to learn about finances can potentially change the trajectory of the lives of these Lopers, something that Armagost and Brockmeier are both excited about.杰里米爆头

Armagost, who followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming a financial advisor, 听着金融语言长大. However, he understands that this is not the case with everyone. He understands that Personal Money Management (FIN 160) might be, 对很多学生来说, the “first opportunity they’ve ever had to have (the) conversations” that will help them handle money to their best advantage now and in their future. 通过学习使用工具来管理他们的收入, these students are set up for success before they move forward in their chosen profession.

对于Brockmeier, who has worked as a financial advisor for the past three decades, 回馈社区是很重要的. When he was approached three years ago about the opportunity to teach at bet36365体育, he saw it as the perfect way to use his expertise to help others. 在他的公司, he “sees mistakes that people are making” and views teaching as a way to help young people avoid common financial pitfalls. 通过分享他所知道的, he is able to make a positive impact on students who otherwise may make decisions that could potentially wreak havoc on their future finances.特洛伊头像

True to the experiential learning that has long been the hallmark of classes at bet36365体育, Brockmeier explains that he and Armagost prepare lessons that require the students to “do activities” that have a “real world” aspect. One example is when students are first asked to contemplate where they spend their money before beginning a project which, 布罗克梅尔说, requires them to “track every dollar” they spend. By the end of this activity, students have an appreciation of money that they didn’t have before. 正如布罗克梅尔所说, students respond with tongue-in-cheek comments such as “I hate your spreadsheet.” when they realize how tracking their spending helps them control how their money is being used. This type of hands-on experience is useful for setting them on the right path, one that will hopefully be free of common financial pitfalls. 正如布罗克梅尔所说, they “want these activities to be real” for their students.

根据Armagost的说法, 事实上,大多数财务顾问, 在一般情况下, are really educating our clients” makes teaching a “natural extension” of his day-to-day work life. He explains that “there’s always been an element of teaching” to his job, making his transition to the classroom an obvious choice. He explains that what he is teaching these college students is something that “affects everybody.” By increasing financial literacy for these students, both Armagost and Brockmeier are confident their classes are valuable for every bet36365体育 Loper.

While some majors at bet36365体育 require students to take FIN 160, it is a course available to everyone. Activities designed around “real life situations” that, 根据Armagost的说法, focus on what everyone “should be doing that most people don’t” expose students to basic principles that can lead to a lifetime of good financial decisions. 个人理财股票图.png

Most of the clients Armagost and Brockmeier see in their firms haven’t been college students for many years. 根据Armagost的说法, he “would encourage every student to sign up” for FIN 160 to help start them on a track that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Hearing students share that this “is the most valuable class (they’ve) taken” is proof that financial literacy is a crucial part of the full college experience. Armagost explains that “the vast majority of people do not grow up talking about money” which is something he and Brockmeier are trying to correct through the real-life and hands-on experiences they successfully offer their students.

正如Brockmeier所解释的,fin160是 洛佩尔11, a curriculum that has been designed to help bet36365体育 students get the most out of their college experience as well as achieve optimally in their future careers. Being offered the chance to learn valuable information that most clients are willing to pay their financial advisors for is an opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted. 幸运的是, bet36365体育的学生, Armagost and Brockmeier are ready and willing to share their combined 46 years of experience. 这只是一个没有人应该拒绝的提议.


Category: 商业及科技, 企业家, 一般

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